
Aborted $8M sale of Cherry Hills home leads to deposit dispute

The Denver Post (Business) 12/11 2:00A Justin Wingerter
In March, as the local developer Patrick Fleming neared the close of a lucrative business deal, he began looking for a larger house one that wouldn’t require new construction. “We found very, very little,” he said last week, “as we wanted a...

Douglas County school board approves AP African American studies course

The Dever Post (Douglas County) 12/11 2:00A Jessica Seaman
The Douglas County school board unanimously approved a new Advanced Placement course on African American studies after hearing parents and educators express support for the new class during a meeting Tuesday evening. The Board of Education’s...

Denver metro area schools see delayed openings of 1 to 2 hours

CBS Denver (News) 12/10 2:59A Austen Erblat
Snow, ice and frigid temperatures have forced a number of schools and entire districts across the Denver metro area, including Jeffo Public Schools and the Douglas County School District, to see delayed openings. Most of those delays are for an...
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